Click Here To Browse Documents about the Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle
You will see all bibliographic records which I have tagged with the keyword coconut rhinoceros beetle. Wherever possible, I have provided a link to full text in PDF format.
Click here to download the entire bibliographic database in BibTex format.
- If you are looking for a free biblio reference manager, I suggest JabRef, which manages data in BibTex format.
- If you want to add a document to the database, please send me a PDF or ask me for a username and password so that you can become a registered user and help to keep the the library up to date. If you are a registered user, click here to add a reference. Please remember to add coconut rhinoceros beetle to the keywords field.[0]=im_biblio_keyword%3A21
If you are looking for unpublished technical reports from the Guam Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle project, these are available here.