Revision of fig wasp from Saipan from Sun, 2014-10-05 08:42

Lee Roy Sablan sent me an image of a wasp which he had reared from Ficus tinctoria on Saipan. This appears to be a nonpollinating fig wasp. My guess is that this is Sycoscapter guamensis based upon comparing the image with Fullaway's original description in Insects of Guam-II, page 203. Note that this species was originally described as TORYMIDAE: Sycoryctes guamensis. The NHM places this species in Pteromalidae but some place it in Agaonidae. This appears to be a new island record for Saipan. However, proper species determination will require the skills of a specialist. Another Sycoscapter specimen was recently collected on Pagan.

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